Cover Tile for The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide book review
Book Review

Book Review: The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide

The cover for The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide

A young reader’s/middle-grade novel revolved around three siblings discovering a unique book that holds the secrets to a hidden and magical world. This is the first of an eight book series following the adventures of the Grace siblings and their new lives in an old house, broken, and mysterious house.

I have to admit, I have been wanting to read The Spiderwick Chronicles for many years. Really, ever since the first movie came out in 2008. Years went by where I still didn’t read them. I would remember the movie here and there, but forgot about it as quickly as I remembered it. Well, last week I was in the local bookshop when I stumbled across the series. I grabbed the first two books of the series—along with half a dozen other books—came home and immediately began to read The Field Guide.

What was I thinking, waiting so long?!?! This book was a fantastic read that I wish I had read long ago! While it was not a long read, it was packed full of details, wonder, and page turning mystery. It may be one of the best young readers’ books I have read in a very long time. Suitable for all ages and all readers.


The plot of the book was beautifully paced and offered an incredible amount of potential. This was particularly impressive within the small confines of word and page count. The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide was able to ease you into the world, leaving you wanting more by the time you turned that last page.


  • The main characters were very well written and had their own voices. While the book was heavily focused on only one sibling’s voice and point of view, I believe that each of the sibling is a main character and only adds to the richness of the story. 
  • There weren’t a lot of secondary characters in the book. However, they served their purpose well and provided the proper development needed for a great story. 
  • The antagonists in this book were fantastic and not your standard antagonists. They provided excellent tension while also providing some twists and turns. I truly loved the “antagonists”

World Building

As I mentioned above, so much was offered in such a little package. The world that was built in The Field Guide was executed brilliantly. I instantly wanted to know more about this world, as it felt rich and original. I have read other novels that were five times longer and yet did not have as expansive of a world as this book provided. 


Efficient yet whimsical. The authors used their words wisely to keep the word count down, but the shortness was never felt. The dialogue was easy and on the casual side. It never felt like the authors made the prose easier because of the age group. The language and words felt casual and of everyday use. This helped make it enjoyable and kept me in the world. 


The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide is a must read for any young readers, middle-grade students, young adults, adults, and everything in between. Once I picked up the book, I didn’t put it down until I was finished. This book could easily become a staple in all households, and will now be in mine.