Title review card with the cover image of The Revenge of Magic by James Riley. Showing the main character, Fort, watching as a large red claw emerges from the ground in DC with the Washington Monument in its grips. On the right side is text "Review: The Revenge of Magic by James Riley."
Book Review

Book Review: The Revenge of Magic

The cover image of The Revenge of Magic by James Riley. Showing the main character, Fort, watching as a large red claw emerges from the ground in DC with the Washington Monument in its grips.

Young Fort Fitzgerald’s world would be changed forever after experiencing the most horrific day of his life in Washington, DC. After trying to adjust to the new life, nothing seemed to work, and everything seemed pointless. That is, until a stranger came along and offered Fort the opportunity for revenge and the chance to learn magic. 

Not all that was promised was the truth. In fact, Fort must now make his way through near-impossible situations while learning ancient and lost magic while also uncovering the truth that is being kept from him. Nothing will stop him from getting to the bottom of the lies and getting the revenge he craves. 

Perfect For

  • School of Magic Lovers
  • Historical Mystery
  • Alternate Dimensions
  • Action

I couldn’t put it down. I am totally not joking about this. Every chance I had, I picked up the book and read as much as I could before my adult responsibilities demanded my attention. I instantly fell in love with this book and am already getting the second one.

If you love Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, or Alcatraz vs. The Evil Librarians, this is a must-read. Middle-grade escapism at its finest. It was fun, exhilarating, and action-packed from the very beginning. I was never sure where the book was going to go, but I loved every moment of it.


The plot of The Revenge of Magic was familiar and refreshing at the same time. While having a young human go to a school of magic may seem repetitive, it felt new and fresh. There were countless points in the story where the plot could have easily felt unoriginal, but James Riley was able to keep it fresh and new. 

The plot of the book gave away the perfect amount while retaining the rest for the other books in the series. There are still plenty of secrets, enemies that will level up, and more magic to be learned. It was fast paced and intriguing the entire time.


  • The main character, Fort, was likable and had a well-balanced range of emotions. What I liked about Fort was that this book made him relatable to a wider range of readers by giving him the “every day” hero vibe rather than the “chosen one” vibe.
  • The secondary characters were fantastic. Fort’s closest friend at the school was one of the reasons I wanted to read more and why I want to read the other books in the series. His other schoolmates were well written, making them seem “school” clicky, while also giving them their own voices.
  • The antagonists were many, and all had their own secrets. This helped provide a great deal of variety to the story while also making sure that this book was about Fort and the Magic. The main antagonists were powerful, but not so much that they were impossible to defeat, while still being powerful enough to continue the story. 

World Building

I am a sucker for world-building, and this book executed a great balance of it. Giving a sense of magic and the impossible while also keeping a small grip on reality. However, I am incredibly excited to read the series further, as I believe the world-building is going to become unstoppable and brilliant. There was so much mystery and unanswered questions in the book that it hooked you, making you want to know more about the magic and its history. 


There was never a dull moment. Even the moments that could easily lose attention did not. The story kept moving forward, and it never felt like words were being wasted. Not to mention, it was an easy and enjoyable read. I never questioned a sentence or the structure. A perfect balance of showing and telling. 


I will immediately recommend The Revenge of Magic to anyone looking for a fun, magic-filled, action-packed read. It has everything I ever want in a book and then some. James Riley is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, and I look forward to all of their other works.